Past Tense verbs
Past Tense
- Regular verbs
To change a regular verb into its past tense form, we normally add "ed" to the end of the verb. Examples:
- Watch-watched
- Play-played
- Travel-traveled
- Walk-walked
- Kiss-kissed
-Yesterday I watched a romantic movie.
-Last night Johan played football in the park.
-My family traveled the last weekend.
-I walked in the street every day.
-My boyfriend kissed me yesterday.
2. Negative form in the Past Tense
We use "did not" or "didn´t" to say than a sentence is negative in the past tense. The only difference between a negative sentence in the present tense and a negative sentence in the past tense is the change in the auxiliary verb (do not/don´t). Examples:
- We didn´t eat pizza yesterday
- I didn´t watch a TV program last night
- Rebeca didn´t play basketball last weekend
- Iván didn´t travel to New York last year
- Yuriko didn´t kiss her boyfriend yesterday
3. Questions in the past tense
We use "did" to make a question in the past tense. This is for regular and irregular verbs. The only difference between a question in the present tense and a question in the past tense is the change in the auxiliary verb (Do and does). We also use some questions words to complete the question before "did". Examples:
- Did we eat pizza yesterday?
- Did I watch a TV program last night?
- What did you play?
- Where did she travel?

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