Regular verbs pronunciation

Regular verbs pronunciation 

When we think about the pronunciation of the past tense of regular verbs we write the verb + ed but in the pronunciacion the "ed" not exist of the past tense in regular verbs. 
The ending in irregular verbs pronounced like "d", "t" or "id" 


➳ Played pronounced playd (it´s like the "d" eat some terminations like " b, e, g, i, j, l, m, n, r, th, u, v, w, z, +y", in this case it eat the +y)
➳ Traveled pronounced traveld
➳ Becomed pronounced welcomed

➸ Helped pronounced helpt because we feel the sound in the neck 
➸ Worked pronounced workt
➸ Watched pronounced watched

➻ Decided pronounced dicidid (we use this pronunciation when the verb ends with "d" or "t")
➻ Recommended pronounced recommendid 
➻ Needed pronounced needid 

Resultado de imagen para regular verbs pronunciation


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