
Morales Calva Fátima Fernanda                                                                                             462

The adventures of Tom Sawyer
Cap 7-13
  • Chapter 7: Injun Joe´s Treasure
One Saturday Afternoon Tom wanted to have an adventure because he didn´t want to think
about Injun Joe. He invited to his friend Huck to the old house near of the house of
Mrs. Douglas´s. When the boys come in to the house they listened two men talking about a
money that was under the floor. The boys were scared, so when the men left, they decided
to go home.

  • Chapter 8: Becky´s Adventure Day
Becky and her family return from their vacations.
Becky´s big day was Saturday when she and her friends went to the river in a big boat.
Some time later, they decided to stop and play right in the place where there was a big
and dark cave. Later, they returned to home.
The next morning, Becky´s mother and Tom´s aunt realize that the boys had disappeared.

  • Chapter 9: Huck´s Adventure
Huck didn´t go with Becky and the others so he decided to stay at home. It was then that he
saw Injun Joe talking to another man about when would kill Mrs.Douglas.
Huck decided to ask Mr.Jones for help. That night, Mr. Jones went to help her so the men

  •  Chapter 10: In the Cave
Becky and Tom playing in the cave without noticing the time and also, the others had already
left. Upon realizing, they decided to look for the exit although they weren´t successful,
because as the cave was darkness they couldn´t leave.Tom decides to keep looking when
he suddenly sees a man in the distance. That man was Injun Joe. Tom is scared and decides
to go back with Becky. Some time later, they managed to see a door that led them to the
exit where they saw a man in a boat that they decided to ask him to take them home.
They arrived home very late but the people in the town was very happy.

  • Chapter 11: In the Cave Again
Becky´s father thanks Tom for helping his daughter out of the cave. Tom tells him that he
saw Injun Joe in that cave and decided to go look for him, but to his surprise, all they found
was Injun Joe dead. Tom tells Huck what happened and they decide to go in search of the
box they had seen before. They both go to the cave and when they find it, they decide to
keep the money.

  • Chapter 12: At Mrs. Douglas´s house
The boys decide to take the money to the old house near Mrs. Douglas´s house. While they
were walking, Mr. Jones call them and take them to the home of Mrs. Douglas. What they
didn´t know was that many people were waiting for them with the intention of thanking them
for their good deeds. Mrs. Douglas decides to give some financial help to Huck and Tom tells
her that he already has a lot of money. Tom takes out the bags where they kept the money
that they found in the cave and people are surprised.

  • Chapter 13: Huck´s New Home
Huck goes to live with Mrs. Douglas although he doesn´t feel happy with his new life, since
he doesn´t like to wash daily or attend church, so he decides to elope and go with Tom.
Tom tells him that he can´t be his friend because the other kids at school didn´t want to play
with him. Huck tells him that he will try to live one more month with Mrs. Douglas with the
intention that the other children accept him and want to play with him.

Chapters 7-13
Before you read…
1. Are Tom and Huck going to see Injun Joe again
Yes, they are going to see he again
    2. Find the words in italics in your dictionary. Answer the questions.
a) What can you buy in a box?
Some beauty products or candies.
     b) It is dark or light in a cave?
           It´s dark
     c) The teacher put a cross on your answer. Is the answer right or wrong?
           It´s wrong
     d) What can you dig with? A ticket, a book or a knife?
           I can dig with a knife
     e) What are your treasures?
          Some photos or presents of my family or friends


  • Box: Caja
  • Cave: Cueva
  • Cross: Tache o cruz
  • Dig: Cavar
  • Treasures: Tesoros
After you read

     3. Answer the questions
a) How many nights are Tom and Becky in the cave?
2 nights
     b) Why is there a new big door on the cave?
           Because there Injun Joe lived
     c) How is Huck a new person?
           Because now he lived with Mrs. Douglas with some different things
     4. Where are they
a) Injun Joe finds the treasure box.
         In the old house near Mrs. Douglas´s house
    b. Aunt Polly and Becky´s mother talk to the children
         In the church
    c. Tom and Huck find the treasure box
         In the cave
    d. There is a surprise for Huck
         In Mrs. Douglas´s house

5. Is Tom a good boy or a bad boy? Why? Write about it.
It´s a good boy, since none of the things he did was intended to hurt others.
6. You are Tom or Huck? What are you going to do with your money from the treasure box?
Write about it.
I´m Huck and what i would do with the money would be to donate it to someone who needs
it more than me.


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