
Morales Calva Fátima Fernanda                462                   Monday 15th October 2018.

    The adventures of Tom Sawyer
   Mark Twain

The reading tell us about the life of Tom Sawyer, who is a boy who loves the adventures.
Tom didn´t go to school and his aunt decides to punish without letting him go play with his friends, but his friend Ben arrives and help he painting the ferce. Finally his friends finish painting the fence in exchange for feeding Tom.
Tom goes to play with his friend in the graveyard but he didn´t wait that they find three men talking. Suddenly, the Injun Joe killed the doctor with a knife. Tom and Huck felt scared.
The Injun Joe blamed Muff Potter of the murder of the doctor.
Tom meets a girl whose name is Becky and he fell in love with she.
In the chapter 6, the Muff Potter´s trial started.
Tom says what happened last night in the graveyard blaming Injun Joe for the murder of the doctor and ridding of all guilt to Muff Potter.

Resultado de imagen para tom sawyer


                                                ➳    Graveyard .- Cementerio
                                                ➳   Church .- Iglesia
                                                ➳    Tore .- Desgarrar
                                                ➳    Trial .- Juicio

Activities page 27
1-    Before you read…

        a)   Answer the questions
            ➸       What adventures are on TV?
                       Some programs of superheroes have a lot of adventures
            ➸       What adventures do you have?
                       Once I went with my cousin to look for crabs and it was really fun
            ➸       What are you afraid of?
                       I´m afraid to stay alone in the life
            ➸       Do you like cats?
                       Yes, I would even like to have one
            ➸       What makes you sad?
                       See sad my family or friends
            ➸       When are you surprised?
                      When a new chapter of a series that I like is released

a)   Put a word on the left with a word on the right.
               aunt                               family                    
               church                           Sunday
               fence                             yard
               graveyard                     dead
               medicine                       sick
               paint                             picture
               trial                               police

a)   Put these words in the sentences.
help             kill               tore (to tear)

       The man is going to ___kill______ the animal with his knife.
       She’s unhappy because she ___tore______ her new dress.
       He likes to ___help_______ his mother with her work.

1-    After you read…

a)   Why is Aunt Polly angry with Tom?
Because Tom didn´t go to school
b)   Why do Tom and Joe want to run away?
Because he didn´t want to go to the school because they felt sad
c)   Why doesn’t Becky talk to Tom?
Because she feels angry for having talked to Amy
d)   Why do Tom and Huck want to help Muff Potter?
They told the truth about what had happened that night
e)   Why are Tom and Huck afraid of Injun Joe?
Because they fear that he can kill them


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