My Biography

My biography

My name is Fátima Fernanda, i´m fourteen years old, i was born in August 28th 2003. My mother is Martha Patricia Calva Juárez and muy father is Leobardo Morales. I live in México City. I have two brothers, one called Diego Armando and other Octavio Iván. I like listen to music and see anime, also i like go to the movie theather with my boyfriend and friends. My favorite deport is swimming. My favorite candy is chocolate. I don´t have one favorite song but i have favorite movie, it is Your name.
My favorite date is November 25th 2017 because it day i start to leave with my boyfriend like relationship. I´m a girl very happy and lovely. I study in Preparatory National School and it´s so wonderful. I studied in the secondary Eugenia León Puig #34 


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